Streamlining Operations for Maximum Efficiency
Manufacturing encompasses a vast spectrum of products and processes, each presenting unique wastewater treatment challenges. Recognizing this, we tailor our solutions specifically to align with your diverse requirements. Leveraging our deep expertise in the field, we are committed to empowering manufacturers like you to achieve unparalleled operational excellence and remain in full regulatory compliance.
Integrated Wastewater Solutions
Embracing a comprehensive strategy, we meticulously craft solutions tailored to your wastewater needs. Our approach, centered around understanding our customers, ensures that we design, deliver, and deploy bespoke wastewater treatment systems that are both efficient and economical.

We offer specialized treatment solutions for
manufacturers targeting

Fat, Oil, and Grease

Total Suspended Solids




Bulk Sludge Reduction
Innovative Wastewater Technologies
Harnessing the power of cutting-edge solutions, CSI Environmental’s DAF (Dissolved Air Floatation) delivers superior separation capabilities while optimizing energy and chemical consumption.When it comes to biological treatment, CSI’s MBBR (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor) effortlessly transforms soluble substances into biomass for easy downstream removal. Ensuring consistency even with variations of load.